Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Bittersweet Week...

Hey, friends!

This week has been oh-so bittersweet for me! I started my little subscription addiction back in November when I first signed up for Ipsy. I, shortly after, joined a Facebook group of amazing, makeup-addicted women that get Ipsy and every other subscription box under the sun. This group, though I'm obsessed with checking it, has NOT been good for my wallet!

In January, right after my birthday I decided to sign up for the elf Beauty Bundle and The Fantasy Box, getting each every other month. I have nothing but the best things to say about each of those subscriptions, but since then, I have actually cancelled those subscriptions and ordered Birchbox and BoxyCharm in their places.

The elf Beauty Bundle was fantastic and I really enjoyed getting products from them that I wouldn't have normally picked out for myself! But every couple of weeks, elf hosts a 50% off sale on their site and it's just a better deal to order things you really want, or want to try, in the shades that match you. During the last sale I placed two orders and decided that I probably have enough elf products to last me until next year. I may, in the future, re-subscribe...especially if these new subscriptions don't work out, but until then, I'll stick with the 50% off sales1

It really broke my heart to suspend my Fantasy Box subscription. Their boxes were fun and a really great value, but I saw a couple of unboxings of months ahead and I already have a bunch of the products that we get (sorry if that TMI). Again, it really is a great value, but I'm not looking forward to so many duplicates! I'll keep the option of resubscribing open, because I might have a change of heart, but for right now, I'm really excited to be making way for my new boxes!

Birchbox has been around for such a long time, but I've been really hesitant to subscribe. The reason being is that I get these boxes wanting makeup and hair care products, and Birchbox sends a mixture of makeup and skin and hair products. I have recently perfected my skin-care routine, so I didn't want to throw too many wrenches in the works, but judging by unboxings that I have seen, the samples in Birchbox aren't that big. I have also heard they repeat a lot of their products and they're guilty of sending a lot of foil packets. BUT! Despite everything I've heard, I went for it anyway (and REALLY loved my first box). Stay tuned for my unboxing of my first Birchbox!

It seems from my research that Boxy Charm just gets better and better each month. After I saw a couple of gals post their boxes and I spied a Nars nail polish, I knew I had to sign up. My box is in the mail and I couldn't be more excited. Stay tuned for an unboxing video (probably by next weekend).

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